Statewide Live United T-shirt Day

Wear your LIVE UNITED T-Shirt and show your support with your business, friends and family!

The fun part is if you walk into a participating business with your LIVE UNITED T-shirt  that day, the business  will have a prize, discount, freebies or a Raffle, etc. for you to have! Sounds fun right!? 

 A $10 Donation will get you a T-shirt loaded with deals! Will you BE THE ONE?

Does your business want to get involved and show its support? Contact

Want a LIVE UNITED T-shirt? 
Stop by our office: 1941 4th St. SW
Call: 701-839-2994


*Participating businesses TBA 

November 13th, 2015 from  8:00 AM to 12:00 AM