SVUW Emergency Response Fund

The effects of the COVID-19 virus are being felt both worldwide and locally. Disruptions to our healthcare systems, our economy, and our daily lives are affecting individuals, families, businesses and communities in a variety of ways. This fund will increase our collective capacity to address local issues resulting from the virus and support critical systems and programs to help stabilize vulnerable populations and mitigate long term effects on our community.

We anticipate that there will be significant pressures placed upon our existing partner agencies and other local service organizations due to the loss of income cause either directly or indirectly by the virus. With social distancing practices, many fundraisers and outreach events had to be cancelled or will take a substancial cut.

100% of your donation will go directly to a local nonprofit organization experiencing increased demand for services and capacity due to COVID-19. These agencies are on the front lines, working to keep our community as safe and healthy as possible. Together, we can help. United, we can make a difference.

Donor Information
Is this donation for a memorial or to be designated to a specific program?